来源:绿点 作者:绿点 发布时间:2009-09-28 查看次数:3988
(Green Pathfinders Forum
Green Pathfinders Forum
Youth- Environment- Future- Graduate- Career- Venture
Let Green Creates the Future
 May 24th 2009, the Green Pathfinders Forum, the 7th chat show of the green career lecture series jointly organized by Friends of the Earth (HK) and Green Point·Guangzhou, untaken by Green Leaf Association of Guangzhou Panyu Polytechnic (GPP) and assisted by the volunteer group “You Qing Quan”, the Foreign Language Association and the Sign Language Association of GPP, was perfectly performed. Mrs. Mei Ng, the ex-chief-administrator of Friends of the Earth (HK) and the UN Global 500 Laureate, together with Mr. Yang Zemin, the board member of Leo Paper Group(Hong Kong) Limited, were invited as guest speakers to attend this lecture. Other attendants of this chat show included Mr.Zhang Lifan, chief director of Green Point·Guangzhou, association representatives from 11 universities of Guangzhou, as well as guests from PPG--Su Linquan, chairman of the Student Union; Li Gengxin, head of the Office of Communist Youth League; Luo Pei. chairman of the Association Union; Chen Yanhan, the department minister of the Volunteer Association; and students presenting over 30 groups of the college.

活动一开始,由番职院外语协会表演的Cool English《花果山变形记》就给同学们带来了特大惊喜,剧中描述了唐僧师徒取经归来花果山的变化,从中引出了师徒的对话。在经过师徒的努力之后花果山由环境污染严重、植物动物惨遭迫害,最终恢复了美丽的原始面貌。话剧具有古典中国味而又具有现代教育性质。他们表演得诙谐、认真、幽默,博得了同学们的热烈掌声以及吴方老师的极大赞扬,吴方老师一开始点评就连说出四个“beautiful”!
吴方老师点评说: This is really wonderful! I am too fond of this drama! First, they are too smart, and able to play through the adaptation of the Chinese, and then the light of actual performance in English, put it out; Second, they can highlight the theme of Chinese drama to the image displayed on it; Third, they dress appropriately, language expression ability.Fourth, wonderful music and movement naturally linking feels very natural,; Fifth, the story is very compact, coherent, able to conjunction with appropriate closely connect each link.
English Drama “ The HuaGuoShan’s Change” performed by the Foreign Language Association of GPP gave all the attendants a big surprise at the very beginning. This drama tells a story that when the Tang Monk Master and his apprentices returns from the Western Paradise they found the pollution of HuaGuoShan. The four monks discuss then take action. With their effort, the seriously polluted and damaged mountain is changed back to be a clean HuaGuoShan. The drama’s story came from a classical Chinese myth, while it was educated. The performers acted seriously and humorously thus they had earned a great applause.
 “Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful!” Said Mrs. Mei Ng: “This is really wonderful! I am too fond of this drama! First, they are too smart, and able to play through the adaptation of the Chinese, and then the light of actual performance in English, put it out; Second, they can highlight the theme of Chinese drama to the image displayed on it; Third, they dress appropriately, language expression ability.Fourth, wonderful music and movement naturally linking feels very natural,; Fifth, the story is very compact, coherent, able to conjunction with appropriate closely connect each link.”
At the end, Mrs. Mei Ng praised that the Guangzhou’s college students had higher creativity and imagination than the students from HK.

The topic of this chat show is “Greener Business, Better Job”. We had the honor to have Mr.YangZe Min, the board member of Leo Paper Group(Hong Kong) Limited, as our guest speaker to share Leo Paper’s experience on environmental protection. Mr.Yang introduced Leo Paper’s vision and what it had done to response its duty to environment protection as a global and friendly environmental enterprise in his one-hour’s speech. He emphasized: “Environmental protection should not become a burden of an enterprise, which would take a long time. Though the cost input might not be directly proportional to its return in a short term. However, for a long term, the benefit we had must be more than the cost. So environmental protection is a business opportunity instead of a burden.” Meanwhile, Mr. Yang also pointed that with people’s requirement to friendly environment products are higher, an enterprise with higher reputation and better brand will have more chances. Development of the enterprises and its input to environmental protection should keep in step and act in harmony.
After his sharing on greener business, Mr. Yang had a wonderful talk with Mrs. Mei Ng on how to start a business, how an enterprise should do to protect the environment, and how a young person to choose his job, etc.. In Mr.Yang’s own story, ignoring parents and friends’ opposition, he gave up a job with high income in a restaurant after his graduation from high school. Instead, he chose to be a worker in the printing industry. In his opinion, Mr.Yang though when hunting job, one person, out of the need, should find a job which he/she liked. Then try the best to do the job when you had got it. Later Mrs. Mei Ng asked if people should “Riding  a donkey while looking for a horse”. Mr. Yang said since one person had choose a job, then he/she should be 100% loyal to his/her job. Even facing a job you don’t like, you should also try to develop your interest in it, set up an aim for yourself, and learn to reach it. Their humorous and friendly talk won enthusiastic response from the audience. 
In this chat show, we not only knew about the Leo Paper’s vision and input on its environmental protection, we also realized how to choose and face a job in the future through Mr.Yang’s sharing on his career and his loyalty to his job.

In the mock interviews, students tried hare to win the opportunity to be interviewed by Mr.Yang, who proposed his advice to the students that they should be calm and stable, self-developed, entrepreneurial and finding eco-business chance so that they can stand out from the job-hunting crowd.

在最后的手语表演中,番职院的手语协会演绎了“平步青云讲坛”主题曲--《everyone is no.1》的手语版,在表演者无声的表演中,所有观众都感受到了一份无声的美丽,可谓“无声胜有声”。
In the last performance, the Sign Language Association brought us a sign-language version of Everyone is no.1, theme of the Green Pathfinders Forum. All the attendants felt the beauty of silence through their performance.

Mrs.Mei Ng communicated with students before the chat show.
Heavy rain could not stop our steps to chasing dreams.
It was performance on stage, learning under stage.
Take photo together!
2007年10月开始,由绿点·广州、香港地球之友联合发起的「平步青云讲坛」(Green Pathfinders Forum)将在广州市各所大学展开,旨在为各行业知名企业家、社会活动家和大学生搭建一个交流平台,通过定期的穗港两地环保经验交流和能力培训,帮助有志投身环保事业的年轻人认清目标,建立自信,自助自强。
“绿点·广州”是一个包含广东省近40个大学生环保社团的民间环保组织。“绿点·广州”致力于推动全社会环保工作,重点引导大学生环保志愿者开展活动,促成更多的环保新生力量。香港「地球之友」于1983年注册成为民间慈善环保组织。 其使命: 关注本地和区域的环境保护,与政府商界和社会人士合作,推动可持续发展的政策、企业责任和生活方式。
The Green Pathfinders Forum (GPF), The Green Pathfinders Forum aims to inspire young people about Green-Career-Green-Vision through experience and vision sharing with community leaders and experts.
Through dialogue with green leaders, thousands of green career aspirants will be enlightened.   Through green English debates and mock job interviews, thousands of budding environmental  job seekers will be empowered. It is about China youth empowerment. It is about investing in the future of a Greener China.
The Organizers
Green Pathfinders Forum is a green youth empowerment program co-organized by Greenpoint Guangzhou and Friends of the Earth (HK). Guangzhou universities take turn to host the event on their campuses. The audience are mostly first, second and third year students.
Green Point·Guangzhou  focuses on promoting the social environmental consciousness, especially leading the undergraduate volunteers to operate activities in the campus and cultivating more youth to concern with the natural environment.
 Friends of the Earth (HK) is a registered environmental charity in Hong Kong since 1983. It’s mission: “Friends of the Earth (HK) is dedicated to protecting the environment locally and regionally by engaging government, business and society in promoting solutions to create environmentally sustainable public policies, business practices and lifestyles."
平步青云讲坛 pbqyjt.blogcn.com       绿点·广州www.gpaction.com
香港地球之友www.foe.org.hk              寸草心www.cuncaoxin.orgWebsite
Green Pathfinders Forum: pbqyjt.blogcn.com   
Green Point ·Guangzhou: www.gpaction.com
Friends of the Earth (Hong Kong) : www.foe.org.hk           寸草心:www.cuncaoxin.org
香港正昌集团  www.dunwellgroup.com
Event Sponsor
The Dunwell Group Hong Kong  www.dunwellgroup.com
第八讲讲坛预告:“平步青云讲坛”第八讲将安排在2009年9月,我们期待您的到来!关于讲坛的相关信息,请登陆 pbqyjt.blogcn.com, www.gpaction.com , www.foe.org.hk , www.cuncaoxin.org
The next forum information : The seventhforum of Green Pathfinders Forum(GPF) will be in 2009. Know more information, please click  pbqyjt.blogcn.com www.gpaction.net , www.foe.org.hk , www.cuncaoxin.org
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