来源:绿点 作者:绿点 发布时间:2009-12-04 查看次数:4230
Green Pathfinders Forum
Youth- Environment- Future- Graduate- Career- Venture
Let Green Creates the Future
the Nineth Wonderful Retrospect

On the evening of November 17,2009,though it was cold outside,people’s passion in coming to Pingbuqingyun Forum weren’t cooled off.Hosted by Hong Kong Friends of Earth,GreenPoint Guangzhou,Guangzhou University Environment Science and Engineering School,Pingbuqingyun Forum 9th talk----3R water,business opportunities for the students took place in the lecture hall of the library in Guanghzou University.The host Ms.Wu Fang Xiaowei and the attendence Mr.Yang Chuangui have exchanged their experience of water-saving.The deputy director of Publicity and Education Centre of EPA Zhou Guanming,the director of Hong Kong Friends of Earth Mainland Service Yuan Shuwen,the leader of GreenPoint Guangzhou Zhang Lifan,the instructor of Guangzhou University Green Power Association Zhu Jianfei,the teachers of Guangzhou University Environment Science and Engineering School Zhang Yu and Xu Delin has attended to the meeting.Many media such as GDTV,GZTV and Nanfang Daily has reported on the whole process of the meeting.
As it is Toilet's Day of november 19th, the ninth lecture of "Way to success" are talks about environmental closestool. The first show is mini drama "Cool English", which describes a series of funny incidents happened during canton fair. It says a foreign businessman are curious about big/small button of closestool and want to find out the function of it. But while he asks a waitress and a security officer, all he has got is several ridiculous answers. He is disappointed about citizens' indifferent toward environment friendly closestool. Finally, a environment-friendly youth ambassador gives him a satisfying answer. The mini drama amused all the student attended, and at the meanwhile, delivering practical knowledge and tips about water-saved closestool.

With a begining of a short drama "Cool English", the principal of Green Point(Guangzhou) Mr. Zhang Fanli published a report of "Investigation about distribution of big/small button of toilet of Guangzhou". It indicates 95%o of public latrine did not have such a big/small button facility and nearly 40% citizens did not know how to use it. Mr. Zhang also says "the lack of relevant propaganda is main reason of such a low understanding degree, and only every citizens saving on water can save our origin of life."

Then a straight talking between two celebrities--Mrs. Wufang xiaowei and Mr. Yang Chuangui was showed. They talks about the way to success and shares their own experience with us. Mrs. Wufang's affinity, sincere and Mr. Yang's humor and polished manner impressed all the audience. Mr. Yang talks about how does Xinxing Group reach the compromising between environmental friendly and profit. Xinxiong Group invest plenty of money on water treatment facilities, which benefits water resources and circle use. Xinxing Group have developed into a model of environmental and advanced course of production. More importantly, it's idea of environmental friendly and not blindly pursue development and profit represents social responsibility which we advocate. It also provides a referential model for college students who aspire to environmental protection industry.

The most exciting part is mock interview. In fact, its excitement is comparable to a genuine interview. Interviews' professional question and students' well-preparation and witty answer makes the interview as a real one. The aimed position of this interviewing is "Environmental assistance of spinning". In order to make the students know the places to which should be paid much attention and the mistakes which should be avoided in the actual interview, Mrs. Wufang and Mr. Yang made a thorough and meticulous comment and analysis for these two candidates so that students can be beneficial in their future practice. First,be neither overbearing nor servile for keeping communication fair.Second, don't pay too much attention on your interest, but rather think about what you can do for your employer.Third, learning to read subtext of interviewer, remember the process of interviewing is show time.
The ninth lecture of "Way to success" passed off without incident. We are looking forward to meeting next time.

The actor acted vividly and drolly during Cool English.
Ms.Mei Ng and Mr.Yang Chuangui,the technical director served in Xinxing industrial group talked about environmental protection of corporation.
Everyone held a water sign to call on treasuring water.
Stuck the water sign on the map of HK&GD in order to call the people of HK&GD to treasure water.
All the audience listened carefully.
Photo of Guangzhou University——the ninth station of GPF
2007年10月开始,由绿点·广州、香港地球之友联合发起的「平步青云讲坛」(Green Pathfinders Forum)将在广州市各所大学展开,旨在为各行业知名企业家、社会活动家和大学生搭建一个交流平台,通过定期的穗港两地环保经验交流和能力培训,帮助有志投身环保事业的年轻人认清目标,建立自信,自助自强。
“绿点·广州”是一个包含广东省近40个大学生环保社团的民间环保组织。“绿点·广州”致力于推动全社会环保工作,重点引导大学生环保志愿者开展活动,促成更多的环保新生力量。香港「地球之友」于1983年注册成为民间慈善环保组织。其使命: 关注本地和区域的环境保护,与政府商界和社会人士合作,推动可持续发展的政策、企业责任和生活方式。
The Green Pathfinders Forum (GPF), The Green Pathfinders Forum aims to inspire young people about Green-Career-Green-Vision through experience and vision sharing with community leaders and experts.
Through dialogue with green leaders, thousands of green career aspirants will be enlightened.   Through green English debates and mock job interviews, thousands of budding environmental job seekers will be empowered. It is about China youth empowerment. It is about investing in the future of a Greener China.
The Organizers
Green Pathfinders Forum is a green youth empowerment program co-organized by Greenpoint Guangzhou and Friends of the Earth (HK). Guangzhou universities take turn to host the event on their campuses. The audience are mostly first, second and third year students.
Green Point·Guangzhou focuses on promoting the social environmental consciousness, especially leading the undergraduate volunteers to operate activities in the campus and cultivating more youth to concern with the natural environment.
 Friends of the Earth (HK) is a registered environmental charity in Hong Kong since 1983. It’s mission: “Friends of the Earth (HK) is dedicated to protecting the environment locally and regionally by engaging government, business and society in promoting solutions to create environmentally sustainable public policies, business practices and lifestyles."
绿点·广州www.gpaction.com       香港地球之友www.foe.org.hk      
Green Point ·Guangzhou: www.gpaction.com  
Friends of the Earth (Hong Kong) : www.foe.org.hk    寸草心:www.cuncaoxin.org
第十讲讲坛预告:“平步青云讲坛”第十讲将安排在2009年12月,我们期待您的到来!关于讲坛的相关信息,请登陆 www.gpaction.net , www.foe.org.hk , www.cuncaoxin.org .
The next forum information : The tenth forum of Green Pathfinders Forum(GPF) will be in 2009 December. Know more information, please click www.gpaction.net , www.foe.org.hk , www.cuncaoxin.org .
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